If you don't already know about
Best Friends Animal Society, you should check them out. The nation's biggest no-kill shelter, they have a lot of innovations in education, no kill shelters, animal rescue and rehabilitation. They took some of the Michael Vik dogs, and they take all kinds of animals, including cats with feline leukemia. Anyway, they have a special offer from Chase - they are eligible for $100,000 donation if they can get enough credit card applications. A portion of each charge goes to Best Friends, and that portion increases if they get a lot of applicants. To apply (you don't have to use this no fee card if you don't want to),
click here. My favorite credit card uses a similar program to give a portion of charges to my personal favorite charity, African Wildlife Foundation. Many charities offer similar cards and it's an easy way to put a portion of everyday purchases like groceries towards charity, so highly worth considering.
the bad news. That darn Bush is trying to push through rules and regulations bad for species protections before he leaves office. Ah, that change of administration will be soooo nice.